getStaticPaths in NextJS Explained (Simply)

getStaticPaths always confused me. I never learned exactly what it did or how it works. I’d usually end up copying and pasting code from StackOverflow and pray for the best.

While migrating my headless CMS from Contentful to Notion, I ran into a problem though.

Most of the migration went smoothly…until I got to the code to make dynamic pages for the tags. I wanted to create a page, /tags/[tag].js , that would dynamically render a list of all the posts that contained the corresponding tag. The implantation is no different than doing any regular dynamic page in Next, but because it wasn’t for a blog post, I was lost. I almost gave up.

But just before I did, I had a realization: I didn’t really understand how the getStaticPaths function worked. I thought figuring that out might be a good place to start. So in an effort to engrain it into my mind and hopefully help another developer out, I wrote this post.

getStaticPaths, explained

Just how getStaticProps passes data to the page component, getStaticPaths needs information to actually *build* the pages. Whatever you end up returning in getStaticPaths is what will be pre-rendered by Next at build time.

Let’s look at a simple example.

export function getTags() {
    const tags =  ["programming", "reading-list", "books"]

    return => {
      return {
        params: {

export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
    const paths = getTags();
    return {

Above is a code black that maps through my tags and then exports the getStaticPaths function. For simplicities sake, I’m not calling an API. Instead, I’m just passing programming, reading-list, and book to the variable tags.

Then, I’m mapping through the tags function and saying “For every item in the tags array, return an object, params, with the tag inside of it.

That’s the totality of what getTags is doing. It’s just getting a list of tags. Usually this will be a call to an API or a lib folder though.

I then call the getStaticProps function.

Inside that function, I say “Hey, paths, call getTags.” This will execute my getTags function. At this point, if I logged paths it would look like this:

params: {
    tag: 'programming'
params: {
    tag: 'reading-list'
params: {
    tag: 'book'

Then from getStaticPaths, I return the paths variable as an object. Next will then go and build a page for every value in params

And that’s how getStaticPaths works. Whatever is returned from getStaticPaths, Next will use to render as the slugs for dynamic pages.

Inside my page component, I can destructure tags and then use the value of the slug on the page like this:

const TagPage = ({ tag }) => {
    return (
        <p>All posts about {tag}.<p>